Tag / Books

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  • Evolution: The Invention Of Creativity

    A New Unifying Vision of Evolution. Genes are to life what neurochemical changes are to love: just one part of the tale and not even the best part. By taking the part for the whole, scientific reductionism has established a harmful paradigmatic blindness that impedes understanding evolution in its real dimension. Contrary to what the…

  • The Architect’s Mind

    A brief (evolutionary) history of how we became prodigious builders. This book contains one of the most fascinating stories ever told: how and why our species became a lineage of great builders. What distinguishes us from the rest of the architect animals? Are we really special? To find out, we will have to follow the…

  • La Mente del Arquitecto

    Evolución, Algoritmos y Creatividad (Spanish Edition) Este libro contiene una de las historias más fascinantes jamás contadas: el cómo y el por qué  nuestra especie se convirtió en una estirpe de grandes constructores. ¿Qué es lo que nos distingue del resto de animales arquitectos? ¿Somos realmente especiales? Para saberlo deberemos reseguir los episodios más significativos…